
At Wolfshark we’ve committed to privacy and the privacy of our visitors to this website. This privacy policy document contains the types of information that is collected and recorded by Wolfshark and how we use it.

If you have any questions or requite more information about our privacy policy; please do not hesitate to get in touch.

This privacy policy applies only to the use of this website and is valid for visitors to this website with regards to the information that they share and we collect. This policy is no applicable to any information collected via other channels or via interaction directly with us or during our working practices.


By using this website you agree to consent to our privacy policy and graee to its terms.

Information we collect.

Copyrighted content

It's always possioble that content we use may be inadvetantly held by someone who claims exlcusivity or copyright; It is not our intention to infinge content copyrights in any way and we work hard to ensure our site contains original content or correctly attribute content. However, if you notice we've missed something - please advicse us as soon as possible. No responsability for infingement can be accepted, neither can we be charged for any usage. We will seek to respond immediately and remove any content as appropriate.about